There is a “spiritual counterbalance” to all that completes what is “presently unseen”. For in opposition to every measure that the LORD puts in place “for the good”, the enemy puts in place “a counterfeit” to counter that good. For the enemy is permanently hard at work trying to thwart and resist, and oppose and reverse, every measure of “kingdom living” that, by its very nature, produces “true liberty and life”.

     With that being said, even the “five-fold ministry” of the life and leading of the Spirit has its own “five-fold counterfeit”. For they are “legalism, opinion, debate, judgment and criticism”. And together they are called “religion”. And these five “lock horns with” and “operate in a constant posture of counter tension to” the true. For it is the essence of the “nature” of the enemy to “steal, kill and destroy” EVERYTHING that produces true liberty and life. Which is the Spirit. So as the spiritual counterbalance to “the Spirit”, there is an “opposing spirit” - the religious spirit.

     As such, these five counterfeits are constantly at lengths to usurp the place of the five-fold ministerial functions of the Spirit. And contrary to the nature and operation of the five-fold administration of “God’s Spirit”, rather than producing liberty and life, the five-fold executive branches of the “religious spirit” produce the opposite, namely bondage and death. Being the overarching corporate mission symbolised by the “five-pointed” pentagram. The religious spirit is that “full-time industry” that seeks to forever “resist and quench the Spirit”. For the religious spirit is the “complete antithesis” of the way, and the truth, and the life.

     With that in mind, the spiritual counterbalance to “bondage” is naturally “liberty”. And when it comes to liberty, is it not written that “the TRUTH” shall “set you free”? So then, if we truly desire to be free, to be free from all kinds of bondage, and from all forms of the religious spirit, is it not “the truth” that we should all therefore then diligently pursue? O LORD our God, we desperately desire the truth. And not just any subjective or inferior truth, but the truth that is “the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me God” kind of truth. Which is the truth that is not only “the way”, but that is also “the life”.

     So if we then seek “the truth”, then it is YOU that we effectively seek! For “YOU” are the way and the truth and the life. Where “the way” is the way of “the Spirit” — which is “to be led” by the Spirit (Romans 8:14). And “the life” is the indwelling “living Word”. For the Word is life. For those who find it, find life (Proverbs 4:22). For those who find YOU, find life. For You ARE the living word. For in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

     For it is when the two of “the way” and “the life” meet and give witness together, that in the middle we then find “the truth”. The real truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. The kind of truth that sets you free. For is it not written that whoever is in You is free indeed? Which is a truth that is only found when the two of “the Spirit” and “the Word” bear witness together. Which is why the Word speaks of the requirement of the witness of two (Deuteronomy 19:15). Which is why Jesus sent out His disciples “two-by-two”. Which is completely contrary to the working of the religious spirit, since it seeks to thwart and resist the Spirit. Which is why religion will never set you free. For it is a counterfeit spirit. One which, instead, seeks condemnation through legalism, judgment and criticism. That seeks division through opinion and debate. Rather than agreement and oneness of mind. Which is the core function of the witness of two.

     May the witness of the leading of “the way” of Your Spirit and “the life” of Your living Word establish us forever in the epicentre and the fullness of Your divine and holy truth. Which is in the epicentre and fullness of all purity and holiness. For in the truth, there is no deception. For that which is pure and holy cannot deceive. It is an incorruptible seed that can neither corrupt nor be corrupted. For it is the fullness of the expression and the accomplishment of the way and the life of Christ.

Which places Christ, not man, at the centre of all things.

Which IS as it should be.

Which IS the truth.