Part of the process of repentance, which is actually a deeply healing process, being the spiritual equivalent of administering antibiotics to an infected heart and soul, is taking full ownership of our own sins.

    For just like the lay of the land and environment may guide the water where to go, the water ultimately chooses its own direction. The land is no more responsible for the choices a river makes when it decides on which way it will go than the people and circumstances in our lives are responsible for the choices we make in our lives. Our sin is ours and ours alone.

     It’s easy to explain our sin away by pointing out all the mitigating circumstances and all the extenuating ingredients that lead to our downfall. But when we point to other people and other things, what we then also point away is our healing from that sin, which in the context of the hygiene of our heart and soul, is ours and ours alone.

     At the end of the day, unless we don’t want full healing, we need to take full ownership and accountability. We are to judge ourselves truthfully and repent wholeheartedly. Only then can the antibiotic of repentance do it’s most complete work of healing and restoration for our heart and soul.

     And just like an injured animal in the wild, unless we have full healing, we cannot function in true freedom and at full capacity. There will always be something holding us back. And as the wind of the Holy Spirit moves, we will be like those at the tail end that hold the entire herd back. Simply because we would not avail ourselves of the free healing that the Lord provides through the true mercy and grace offered through repentance.

Repentance is that beautiful gate through which we release life, love and destiny.

     And until we wade into it’s deep waters where we are fully submerged, being representative of taking full ownership and accountability of our sins, we will remain at best as a stagnant pond, once pure, but now sadly muddied.

     Which is why the heart of the LORD would have that we wash our minds daily with the living water of the Word, that we wash our hearts daily with the healing water of repentance, and that we wash our feet with the all-sufficient blood of His complete forgiveness.

     With His water and blood being the two gifts He poured out of His side when He was pierced by the spear of the enmity of the world. So that we may one again run at full speed and full capacity with the herd, with our hearts, minds and body once more restored to full health.

     For then we will once more live and walk as those who have been set free from all personal ailment of heart and bondage of soul. Ignite a holy fire, LORD, in the hearts and minds of all humanity, that we may feel the fresh wind of Your liberty and healing blow through our chambers and our lands like a cool summer breeze.

     Come, Holy Spirit, come. Breathe Your life into our lungs, and fill our bellies with Your plenty. Draw us unto You, O God, unto the deep water of Your Jacob’s well, that we may drink from its deep belly, and fill our bellies out of the overflowing cup of Your full hand of the release and refreshing and restoration of genuine repentance.