Whether I am in "righteousness" or in "sin", I NEED YOU, MY LORD.
This is the profound realisation and reality.
I am COMPLETELY dependent on You for ALL THINGS. May I speak not with the language of men, but with the Spirit and words breathed and architected by the mind and heart of God alone.
Let me remain fully persuaded and directed by the government of the indwelling Holy Spriit. I ask and pray that You never leave me nor forsake me, and that You never remove Your Spirit from me.
Cleanse me of all unrighteousness and iniquity, all trespasses and transgressions, all folly and sin, and order the steps that I take. Both now and forever.
May Your oil be my fuel and Your wisdom my compass. Destroy every argument that exalts itself above the knowledge and wisdom of God.
May my lens of perception and discernment be forever framed in the truth and the light of Your love and wisdom.
And may I dwell in the shadow of Your mighty wing all my days. To You be the glory and the honour and the praise. Amen and amen.
"The LORD said to him, "Who gave human beings their mouths? Who makes them deaf or mute? Who
gives them sight or makes them blind? Is it not I, the LORD? Now go: I will help you speak and will teach you what to say."
- Exodus 4:11-12 -
"Who can speak and have it happen
if the Lord has not decreed it?
Is it not from the mouth of the Most High that both woe and good things come?"
- Lamentations 3:37-38 -