The “constitution” of having a heart that can be at PEACE and a mind that can BE STILL (composed) in the midst of trials and travail is a huge part of the master plan that Jesus has in bestowing and stewarding the fullness of His “divine nature” in all those whom He matures as His disciples. Which ultimately, is a disposition that simply cannot be unseated or shaken, and which expresses a complete trust in God to “see us through every circumstance for our good”.
For was it not when all the disciples had become unhinged with fear on the boat out at sea that Jesus awoke, turned to them all, and said, "Why are you afraid? Have you still no faith?" Which was to say, “Do you still not trust in Me?” Which is a question for the hearts of everyone who calls themselves a Christian, and one that plainly tells us that FAITH is the cornerstone to dispelling all fear. Besides, have we not all already been told, “The LORD shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace“? (Exodus 14:14). Is this not something we can trust?
And because faith is the evidence of our trust in Him, which is the evidence of what is on the inside, being “the evidence of things unseen” (Hebrews 11:1), is it not easy to now understand why God says that “our faith” is the very thing that pleases Him? (Hebrews 11:6). For is our faith not ultimately the evidence that we trust in HIM? For when we get to know and therefore trust in His “divine nature”, as well as to grasp the “eternal power” of our Father in heaven, then as with the disciples witnessing Jesus “calm the sea” and “rebuke the wind”, is it possible that we cannot help but grow in unshakable faith?
Besides, the peace that faith produces, being a peace that “surpasses all understanding”, which is a peace that will “guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus“ (Philippians 4:7) is something that Jesus wants for ALL of us. For was it not the great Lord Jesus Himself who said, “PEACE I leave with you; My PEACE I give you”? (John 14:27). And do we all not also have this great assurance, “For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a SOUND MIND”? (2 Timothy 1:7).
In other words, if Jesus had no intention or vested interest in us having either His peace or His faculty of a sound mind, or better yet, if either of these blessings would make no difference to us at all whatsoever, then why would He specifically tell us that it’s His PEACE that He gives us, or that He has given unto us the spirit of a SOUND MIND? For did Jesus not say twice in Revelation that of the words that He speaks, “for these words are FAITHFUL and TRUE"? (Revelation 21:5; 22:6). Which means that unlike man, the Lord cannot lie.
On top of this, does Jesus not also say, “The words that I speak are Spirit, and they are LIFE”? (John 6:63). So does this not all mean that when Jesus says He leaves us His peace that it is not only TRUE, but that what He leaves us also begets LIFE? In other words, contrary to the words of men, where a man’s words can produce either life OR death compared with EVERY word from Jesus’ mouth only band always producing LIFE, and besides every word He utters also always being both faithful and true, if His peace was not true and real, for what reason then would Jesus also have the distinction of being called “the Lord of Peace”? Which we can find in 2 Thessalonians 3:16? “Now may the Lord of Peace himself give you peace always by all means.”
With this being said, and with this in heart and mind, is it not absolutely astonishing and utterly beautiful and overwhelming to know that the “Lord of Peace” wants us to not only have His peace ALWAYS, but to also have it by EVERY MEANS possible?
Oh that our faith may be complete, and perfect, lacking nothing, being entirely without spot or wrinkle. Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be all honour and all glory for ever and ever. Amen!