God has put us right in the middle of a fierce war zone...
... And as it turns out, the enemy we go to war against actually turns out to be none other than ourselves!
For “the giant” that we all need to slay, so that we may all be worthy of being “an overcomer” — as per Revelation 2 verses 7, 17, 26; and 3:5) — is none other than our own flesh! And what a true giant the flesh really is!
For our flesh is exemplified and personified by “Pharoah”, illustrating the example of proud and irrational defiance, being an obstinance that has “many soldiers” (ways) that stubbornly seek “after its own” against the will of God — which is a will that our spirit should walk out of “the Egypt” of bondage and slavery of the flesh into the liberty and life of the nature and power of Zion.
For is it not written: “he who unites himself with the Lord is one with Him in spirit.” (1 Corinthians 6:17). So how then can one be united with the flesh, and, at the same time, also be united with the spirit? Can a man serve two masters? (Matthew 6:24).
Which is why David personifies all those who, by going to war against the giant in our lives, please the LORD. For it is those who overcome the beast of the flesh, being the offspring of the spirit of the fallen deceiver, who God views as being “the apple of His eye”.
And just like David took the sword and removed the head of Goliath, the goal for every overcomer is to sever the head of the great giant that is the loud voice of our own flesh. So that it’s voice may no longer be heard in the land. So that by removing its head, its thirst for being the head, being a hunger to reign and rule, may be forever entirely silenced.
For is this not also why the great enemy of the kingdom of God sought to sever the Head from the body at Calvary? And when he realised that he had miserably failed, is this not why he now seeks to sever the body from the Head?
Which is why the iblood of millions upon millions of innocent babies sacrificed to the modern god of Baal through legalised abortion has reached epidemic proportions as has never been seen before in the history of the world. Which is also further evidenced in every false religion, being a fruit of the flesh, that seeks to enslave rather than set free.
In order that we may overcome the giant of our flesh, we need to voluntarily step forward, like David, into the war zone, and face our own Goliath. Which is to face our own Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, being the city of both the pride and idolatry of the flesh, and refuse to bow down to its image.
Which we can only do by stepping into the Shadrach Meshach and Abednego furnace so that “the fourth person” in the furnace may complete His perfect work. Which is so that WE may become the fire of righteousness that sets the world ablaze with the glory of the living God.
“And he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver: and he shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the LORD an offering in righteousness. (Malachi 3:3).