The single greatest mystery that forever remains outside of the realms of human reason and comprehension is the perpetuity of God, being God “with no beginning and no end”. Grasping this is a feat that defies even the most advanced faculties of cognitive engineering and deductive arithmetic. For as long as time has been, even with the best of minds applied for all of time, it is an enigma that remains wholly out of reach of man.
“FROM everlasting TO everlasting” is one of the most capable descriptions of having "no beginning and no end". And for God only can it be said that “even from everlasting to everlasting, thou ART God.” – PSALM 90:2. As a prevailing mystery, then, "without beginning or end" is not only one that will thoroughly dislocate the mind, it is also a mystery that, just as for God, is without beginning or end.
In the same way as with the mystery of Melchizedek, who is “Without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor end of life” – HEBREWS 7:3, our God is one who is from everlasting to everlasting, being entirely without beginning or end. And whilst God is timeless, yet another complexity that exhausts the rigour of applied reason is the phenomenon that is the holy “Trinity”. When it comes to the three Persons of the holy Godhead, it baffles the mind to come to terms with a “plurality that is a singularity”. For our failing is that we think arithmetically, when we should at least be thinking as an approximation of how God thinks, which is in part mathematically.
Whereas arithmetic deals with “addition, subtraction, multiplication and division”, arithmetic is merely a branch of mathematics. Arithmetic is said to be unto mathematics what spelling is to writing. Arithmetic deals with “calculations”, whilst mathematics deals with “relationships”. Man fails at grasping the possibility of representing the numerical challenge of “a plurality as a singularity” when man tries to represent God as “a calculation” as opposed to trying to grasp the Trinity “as a relationship”. In this way, even when the Old Testament uses a plural Hebrew noun to refer to God, the numerical integrity of a single God as three remains mathematically intact.
Having said that, it also stands to reason that by deliberately drawing man’s attention to the focus of “relationship”, that relationship is in itself obviously important to God. But more than just being “important” to God, by pointing out relationship also as “THE SOLUTION” to working out the “problem statement” for man that is God, if God is “LIFE”, then at the same time, “RELATIONSHIP” is also the solution to understanding the problem statement “OF LIFE”. Equally, then, we could also apply the solution of relationship to then unlock additional mysteries too. Such as, since God is Spirit, it solves a measure of our understanding in that the spiritual is fundamentally "a relationship matter". At the same time, relationship is also the key to understanding the complexity of man "as a trinity of spirit, soul and body".
Given the importance of “RELATIONSHIP”, there is, at the same time, a numerical significance to the "number 3”. In spiritual terms, the number three refers to “completion”. In that sense, not only do our RELATIONSHIPS define us and multiply us (not our possessions), it is RELATIONSHIP, ultimately, that also completes us. In the holy Trinity, there are three Persons. And it is all three who COMPLETE God. But at the same time, it is their “relationship” that DISTINGUISHES each of the three Persons from one other. The title “Father” denotes a relationship role, just like “Son” denotes a relationship role. And whilst they are "distinguished" by their relationship, it is also in their relationship and love that they are "united". As three in relationship, they become one in unity – one God. One Trinity. A plurality that is a singularity.
One of the mathematical illustrations of a relationship that is a trinity is a triangle. And when speaking of triangles and threes, if one stops and takes a look at the flag of Israel, being the flag of the literal land and the spiritual kingdom set aside by God for God's people, the symbol is the image of two triangles superimposed on one another as a single entity. As two individual triangles, they represent, on the one hand, the relationship of the trinity of God, being “one” in their unity, as well as the relationship of the trinity of man (spirit, soul and body), also all one in unity, on the other hand too. And if man is three, yet always only one, why is it difficult to appreciate that God is three, yet always only one too?
Since mathematics deals with "relationships", by uniting both triangles in relationship as “one image”, the symbol that is the flag of Israel, being the symbol of a plurality represented as a singularity, being therefore the symbol of relationship, it mathematically proves THREE things.
- (1): whilst we are “distinguished” by our relationships, it is in fact by “relationship” that we are also united and become one.
- (2): with both triangles also being in perfect unity, harmony and solidarity with each other, which represents when man is in relationship with God "as Father", that God answers all prayers, thereby also fulfilling the Son’s prayer unto the Father in JOHN 17:21. ”That they may all be one; as you Father are in me, and I in you, that they also may be one in us.” "Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you." - JOHN 16:23. "Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone?" - MATTHEW 7:9.
- (3): when it comes to “completion”, God is also always thinking of man. And when it comes to “relationship”, God is always thinking of man. Which proves that not only does God think mathematically, which is in terms of relationship, but it also suggests that whilst God is complete in Himself, in His relationship as Father, God is also complete when He is in complete relationship with man.
And in so doing, when it comes to relationship, the relationship that is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, produces in man a COMPLETE work by a COMPLETE God.
To God alone be all the glory. Forever and ever. Amen and amen.
God’s richest blessings, Wayne Biehn.