"The prophet is like the nervous system, which carries signals from the brain to the rest of the body. Although its primary function is to represent the head and connect it to the rest of the body, the nervous system also carries some signals (such as pain) from the body back to the brain. The prophet, likewise, must stand in the place of both messenger and intercessor." Rick Joyner
Expanding on this, the prophet is like the central nervous system, which carries signals from the brain (Christ, the Head) to the rest of the body (the church). Although the nervous system’s primary function is to represent the head (speak a word to a specific situation with a specific revelation of the will and purpose of God concerning it), and to CONNECT the head to the rest of the body, the nervous system also carries some signals from the body back to the brain, such as pain (the church’s afflictions). In the same way, the prophet must stand in the place of both MESSENGER (angel) from God to man, and INTERCESSOR (watchman) from man to God.
In other words, the prophet is a bi-directional office, not just a southbound protocol from the throne room to its footstool, but also a northbound interface from earth towards heaven. What an incredible privilege it is, and a honour it is, for those of His sons and daughters who wear the mantle of prophet for the house of God. God honours those who honour Him. Who seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. For a prophet is not a man pleaser, and seeks no fame for himself, but lives and walks to promote, prosper and protect the name of God (hallowed be thy name), the kingdom (thy kingdom come), and His righteousness (thy will be done)above all else.
It is the prophet who ascends and descends Jacob’s Ladder more than most. For his ministry is to bring the people into oneness of mind and heart with the Lord, whether that be in the ministry of Godly exhortation or in the ministry of Godly correction. For all those who enter into the temple of the Most High need to come out better than when they went in. And with this in mind, even God’s judgments are in the best interests of the people. For the judgments of the LORD are for the guidance and equipping of the saints so that the saints can become the best version of themselves for the kingdom, without which the kingdom and all its sons all ultimately suffer.
For this reason, and a respect for the Father, the true prophet doesn't trade with man or the world. He brings a word directly from the very throne room of heaven, which is many times a word of immense grace wrapped in the wonderful rainbow colours of His astonishing mercy. Which is inevitably a message that ultimately coalesces into a single call-to-action of "REPENT!" For God's grace and heart of mercy always provides a window of opportunity for man to turn from his ways before the right hand of judgment falls. And should His judgment subsequently be carried out, even His judgments are an act of Fatherly love to turn hearts of stone into hearts of flesh.
It is through His prophets that the Lord extends this great mercy, so that neither His kingdom nor any of its inhabitants should suffer needlessly or unnecessarily. Neither should the master clock of His master plan be set back by the errors of omission or commission by the church. At the same time, it is also through His prophets that God greatly encourages and equips the body to fulfill the good works that He planned for us all before time, that the church may be entirely successful in its kingdom charter, and like the Son before it, that we may may all individually and corporately say, "It is done!" With that in mind, churches that do not receive “a prophet in the name of a prophet” (MATTHEW 10:41) will not receive the prophet’s reward or the benefit of the prophetic ministry. Which is to receive a prophet in the name of Jesus, the primordial prophet of all prophets.
“On your walls, O Jerusalem, I have appointed watchmen;
All day and all night they will never keep silent
You who remind the LORD, take no rest for yourselves.”
Isaiah 62:6
“Son of man, I have appointed you a watchman to the house of Israel;
whenever you hear a word from My mouth, warn them from Me.”
Ezekiel 3:17
“I will stand on my guard post
And station myself on the rampart;
And I will keep watch to see what He will speak to me,
And how I may reply when I am reproved.”
Habakkuk 2:1
“Surely the Lord God does nothing,
Unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets.”
Amos 3:7
LORD our God, our prayer is that You will fill this house of Yours with Your spokesmen, Your watchmen, Your intercessors, that they may speak from the throne room of God words that are both spirit and life. May this house which is Your royal establishment, a resting place for our head and heart, be filled with a unified voice that rings true with the tuning fork’s clang, that man may stop and listen, and hear not the voice and words of man, but the heart and mind of God Himself, our Father. And in doing so, the body may be permanently and intimately connected to the heartbeat and pulse of the Head for all of time. Father God, our God and Father, we are called to be sons, which is to live and walk in the image and likeness of You, which is to be like Father like son, which is to think with Your thoughts and to walk in Your ways, which is to see with Your eyes and hear with Your ears and to love with Your heart. We ask and pray Lord God that You help us to live a life that demonstrates this image and likeness, that You open our eyes to see, and our hearts to discern, that we may be a body that prays without ceasing, which is what You do from the throne room on behalf of all who the Father has given to You, so that in season and out of season we may constantly wear the sandals of readiness to pray and act on behalf of the needs and afflictions of our brothers and sisters, and all the lost, being every last sheep who is called to stand up in You in the last day. We ask Lord that You open the heavens above and our hearts below to hear our prayers, being a love that has come alive by Your Spirit to the ministry of love, who stand in the gap as watchmen on a high wall on behalf of all mankind, for all the times, and all the seasons, before the coming of our LORD, that Your house may be full, and that all in it may have life, and life abundantly. In Jesus’ precious and hallowed name, this we humbly ask and pray and thank You for, amen and amen.
Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen. (1 Timothy 1:17).