"Let love BE without hypocrisy" -   ROMANS 12:9

     God says "let love BE without hypocrisy" -  ROMANS 12:9. The question is, "is there any way love can still be love if it has in it in any way any hypocrisy? Well, no, it rightly can't. Which tells us that if there be a version of love that, in fact, does have any hypocrisy, then it is safe to say that it is not real love. A demonstration of this hypocrisy is found when we ask of our Father "in the name" of love, but when "in truth" we have not real love, that our love is rightly found to be hypocritical. 


     Explained in another way, one of the foundational principles of the heart of the kingdom of God is with this statement by the Father: "Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and these things will be added unto you." -  MATTHEW 6:33. When we change the order of this kingdom charter, or when we only observe it partially, we completely deviate from "the way, the truth and the life" that is LOVE. By seeking first "things", we effectively seek first that "our needs" be met by God, but do so WITHOUT any relationship or fellowship or communion with God. "Seek ye first the kingdom of God" is to seek ye first "relationship" with the Father. For how else do we find "His righteousness" other than through first "relationship"? Instead, those who invert this natural order, and thereby the evidence of real love, are those of us who appeal to His hand in the name of love without first getting to know His heart. And this approach literally grieves Him. Not because we have need, because we all do. But because we position that we love God, and pretend to have relationship with Him, but behind the thinly veiled pretence is simply the singular motive for God to meet our need alone. And then we move on and forget God again until the next crisis. And another version of this hypocrisy lies in the promise that if You do this for me God, then I will love You. 


     And in our own way, we get a taste of this hypocrisy ourselves from time to time too. When people we know come to us with a need, and position that they come to us on the grounds that they value their "relationship" with us, or that they want relationship with us, but in truth, all they want is simply for their need to be met, proving that the relationship is actually irrelevant, we feel pained by this. For it is hypocritical. And God allows us to experience this so that we may know what He goes through when we do this with Him. And just as it grieves Him, it grieves us too. And it is not their need that grieves us, but that they sugar coat their ask behind the hypocrisy of a relationship that actually isn't anything more than just superficial. We don't have issue with "the need", but with "the hypocrisy". They ask in the name of love whilst there is no relationship. And since there is no relationship, there is no love.


    It's the same hypocrisy when we go to God just for the need, not the relationship. This is why God says let our love be without hypocrisy. For when it is a hypocritical love, it deeply grieves Him. And it's when we ask with hypocrisy that God sometimes doesn't answer our prayers. The book of James tells us clearly that there are times when we ask that we do not receive, because we ask amiss (JAMES 4:3). One of the ways we ask amiss is when we ask with hypocritical love. It's when we do not ask with a heart for MATTHEW 6:33 guiding us, that we invariably ask amiss. 


     However, when we are genuinely in relationship for relationship's sake, and for the chief purpose of pursuing love for love sake (1 CORINTHIANS 14:1), and a person in that kind of relationship with us reaches out one day in need, there is no question. We just do it - in love - if it is in our ability to do so. And it's the same for us as parents. For which father does not want to give unto his own all that he asks? This is exactly the same for the patriarchal Father. It's the same when He has "relationship" with us. It is the very blueprint of the Father heart to give all who are His own "whatsoever" we ask of Him. "Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you." - JOHN 16:23. Whenever we first have relationship, it is a JOY for Him to give. He LOVES to give. It comes naturally - it pleases Him. When we first have relationship, He then adds all these things unto us.


      So then, when we pursue God with real love, for love's sake alone, without the hypocrisy of only pursuing Him for what we can get, we know that He answers our prayers because it's then that we know the following:


"Because He is a living God, He can hear; 

Because He is a Loving God, He Will hear;

Because He is a covenantal God, He has bound Himself to hear!" Spurgeon.


And when we ask of our Father anything,

"May it be the real I who asks;

And may it be the real You whom I speak to..." C S Lewis


"Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, to God who alone is wise, be honour and glory forever and ever. Amen." - 1 TIMOTHY 1:17


God bless, Wayne Biehn